In today's interconnected world, technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, enabling recruiters to connect with business partners across vast distances. Email, video conferences, and messaging apps have become the norm. However, amidst this digital...
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Q&A Sessions
パンデミックによって経営コンサルティングサービスの需要が減少するとの当初の予想にもかかわらず、予想に反して2020年の世界のコンサルティング市場は4.1%増となりました。パンデミックは世界に衝撃を与えました。倒産する企業が増加していく中、新たなサービスが生まれるなど、良くも悪くも多くのビジネスを一変させました。 当初は、企業がコストを削減するため、経営コンサルタントの需要が落ち込むと予想していましたが、需要は拡大しました。Source Global...
Advantages and disadvantages of joining a management consulting firm
Are you looking for a career that can provide you with exposure to different industries, professional development, and networking opportunities? If so, you may want to consider joining a management consulting firm. In this latest Business Innovation podcast, Shin...
Why the next big trend in management consulting is helping companies to outsource their operations
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant disruption to businesses worldwide, with many companies struggling to adapt to the sudden changes in their operating environment. As a result, the demand for management consultants has surged, as companies seek expert...
How the pandemic impacted the world of management consulting
The pandemic shocked the world and changed many businesses forever. Initially, we expected management consultant demand to suffer as companies reduced costs, but demand grew. According to a report by Source Global Research, the global consulting market grew by 4.1% in...
Why a boutique recruitment firm outperforms global retained firms consistently in Japan
Retained and contingent services are both recruitment services, but they differ in the way they are structured and the benefits they offer. Retained services are typically more comprehensive and offer a more proactive approach to recruitment. They involve a long-term...
The Difference Between Program Management and Project Management
Programs and projects are at the heart of many business endeavors. To use a metaphor, projects are like trains operated by project managers, who help pull the work of a team to achieve goals and ultimately arrive with a finished good or service. To continue with the...
The Difference Between Customer Success and Customer Support
The difference between customer support and customer success has sparked a number of lively discussions. The roles share similar skill sets and goals, but they implement different approaches. Customer support teams resolve product-related issues and educate the...