GAB Test: A Deep Dive into Japan’s Recruitment Assessment

by | Oct 19, 2023 | HR Series

Introduction to GAB

The Graduate Aptitude Battery, popularly known as GAB, is an essential tool utilized primarily for graduate-level job recruitment in Japan. Presented and marketed by the Japanese SHL company, the GAB test is akin to many leading global aptitude tests but is uniquely tailored for the Japanese job market.

GAB focuses on the assessment of various attributes of the test taker. Notably, it assesses intellectual capacities, such as linguistic and numerical understanding. But it doesn’t just stop there. GAB has the capability to predict up to nine different characteristics of the applicant, ranging from vitality and teamwork to more intricate abilities.

Another fascinating feature of GAB is its adaptability. The test is equipped to predict job aptitude across seven distinct fields, including sales and research & development. This makes GAB a versatile tool for employers seeking to gauge a candidate’s potential for different roles.

Breaking Down GAB

The GAB, a product by 日本エス・エイチ・エル (Japan SHL), stands out amongst its competitors such as SPI and Tamatebako. Although SPI and Tamatebako might overshadow GAB in terms of popularity, GAB’s meticulous design allows it to delve deeper into assessing the logical reasoning abilities of the test-taker, making it a chosen tool for many modern Japanese enterprises.

The GAB is akin to other popular aptitude tests like SPI and Tamatebako, another product of SHL. Although GAB may seem similar, its distinct focus on logical reasoning sets it apart. By also taking Tamatebako, candidates can familiarize themselves with the kind of questions to expect in GAB.

GAB Test Composition

Linguistic Understanding: This section evaluates the candidates’ prowess in comprehending extended passages and answering corresponding questions.

Numerical Understanding: Emphasis is on the interpretation of tables and graphs to derive accurate answers.

Personality Assessment: A pivotal section that deploys the “OPQ” test (Occupational Personality Questionnaire), a renowned tool developed by the SHL founders, granting recruiters a scientific method to gauge a candidate’s potential.

Examining GAB’s Unique Sections

Linguistic Comprehension: Considered analogous to a traditional Japanese language test, candidates are expected to extract answers from long texts. A crucial skill tested here is the test-taker’s reading comprehension ability. Regular practice, preferably with long articles or essays, is recommended to excel in this section.

Numerical Comprehension: This section requires candidates to scrutinize graphs and charts to resolve questions. One unique feature of the GAB test is the option to bring a calculator, but only for the Web-GAB format.

English: Incorporated mainly in the C-GAB format, this section follows a structure similar to the linguistic comprehension section but in English. Test-takers are advised to quickly skim through the options before delving deep into the comprehension passages for efficient time management.

Modes of Examination

There are three primary modes for the GAB:

Paper-Test Mode (GAB): Conducted at venues set by recruiting companies, this conventional paper-test runs for approximately 90 minutes.

Test Center Mode (C-GAB): Utilizing the vast network of over 300 test centers nationwide, C-GAB remains the only version that mandates an English test. The test’s sections are condensed, making it shorter than the paper-test mode.

Web-Test Mode (Web-GAB): As the name suggests, this version allows candidates to take the test from the comfort of their home, offering a slightly different structure compared to the other two modes.

Challenges of GAB

Even though GAB may appear to be in the same league as other popular tests like SPI, its emphasis on logical reasoning combined with stringent time constraints elevates its complexity. A common challenge faced by test-takers is the need to answer each question in under a minute, reinforcing the importance of both speed and accuracy.

Preparation Strategies for GAB

Master the Techniques: Especially for the numerical comprehension section, understanding problem-solving patterns is essential.

Practice with Time Constraints: Simulate real test conditions by setting time limits during practice.

Familiarize Yourself with Other SHL Tests: Taking the Tamatebako test, another offering by SHL, can help in acquainting oneself with potential question formats.

Personality Test: Honesty remains paramount. Trying to give “ideal” answers can lead to inconsistencies, potentially creating a negative impression.

GAB serves as a conduit between prospective employees and recruiters, ensuring that companies can make informed decisions based on a myriad of evaluated skills. As the business landscape evolves and becomes more competitive, having a profound understanding and preparation strategy for such tests can be the edge that sets candidates apart.

GAB Test Resources & Preparation Tips

Guide on GAB Test Strategy (Japanese Content):

This PDF guide is enriched with invaluable advice to excel in the GAB test. It not only offers insight into successful test-taking strategies but also includes numerous practice questions to hone your skills.

Comprehensive Advice & Practice Questions:

Explore this webpage ( for expert advice in Japanese and a collection of practice questions to ensure you are well-prepared for the GAB test.

Mock Tests for Thorough Preparation:

大人塾 ( : Experience a timed test environment with their mock test, consisting of 10 questions to be answered within 5 minutes.

キャリアワールド ( : Dive deeper into specific topics with their domain-focused mock test, offering 10 questions for a 5-minute challenge.

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